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The Fast  is a model with a more aggressive design, with a sharper tip, 

This more pointed end reduces friction with the strings (less friction, more precision), there is also a reduction in movement, which makes it possible to calibrate the speed in your own way.

FAST 2.30mm

  • Measurements:

    Thickness: 1.60mm

    Length: 3.0cm

    Width: 2.5cm


    Colors: check and select available colors that are just below the value!


    One of the main differentials of our picks is the material used for manufacturing. It is a mixture of polymers, the result of intense research....

    We achieved a very interesting result, as we developed a super resistant material, with a unique sound frequences and that promotes an excellent finish.

    They are polymers with molecules closer to each other, denser, difficult to wear.

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